Beyond Standard Model


Introduction to Beyond Standard Model (BSM):

The Beyond Standard Model (BSM) represents an exciting frontier in particle physics, where researchers explore physics that extends beyond the framework of the Standard Model. While the Standard Model successfully describes the known particles and their interactions, it leaves several fundamental questions unanswered, including the nature of dark matter, the unification of fundamental forces, and the origin of neutrino masses. BSM theories and experiments aim to address these mysteries by proposing new particles, symmetries, and interactions.

Supersymmetry (SUSY):

Investigate supersymmetry, a BSM theory that posits a symmetry between fermions and bosons, potentially explaining dark matter, unification of forces, and resolving the hierarchy problem.

Extra Dimensions and String Theory:

Explore theories that propose the existence of extra spatial dimensions beyond the familiar three, including concepts from string theory and Kaluza-Klein theories, offering insights into gravity and the unification of forces.

Grand Unified Theories (GUTs):

Delve into grand unified theories that seek to unify the electromagnetic, weak, and strong forces into a single force, offering a deeper understanding of the fundamental interactions in the universe.

Neutrino Mass Mechanisms:

Focus on mechanisms that explain neutrino mass generation, such as the seesaw mechanism and neutrino oscillations, and their implications for the BSM and neutrino physics.

Composite Models and Technicolor:

Examine composite models and technicolor theories that propose new dynamics, involving composite particles or strong interactions, as alternatives to the Higgs mechanism for mass generation.




  Introduction of Chiral spinors and helicity amplitudes Chiral spinors and helicity amplitudes are fundamental concepts in the realm of quantum field theory and particle physics    They play a
  Introduction to Chiral Symmetry Breaking: Chiral symmetry breaking is a pivotal phenomenon in the realm of theoretical physics, particularly within the framework of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) and the study
  Introduction to Effective Field Theory and Renormalization: Effective field theory (EFT) and renormalization are foundational concepts in theoretical physics, particularly in the realm of quantum field theory. They provide
  Introduction to Experimental Methods: Experimental methods are the backbone of scientific investigation, enabling researchers to empirically explore and validate hypotheses, theories, and concepts. These techniques encompass a wide array
  Introduction to Free Particle Wave Equations: Free particle wave equations are fundamental concepts in quantum mechanics, describing the behavior of particles that are not subject to external forces. These
  Introduction to High Energy Physics: High-energy physics, also known as particle physics, is a branch of science dedicated to the study of the most fundamental building blocks of the
  Introduction to Interactions and Fields: Interactions and fields form the foundation of modern physics, providing the framework for understanding how particles and objects interact with one another and the
  Introduction to Invariance Principles and Conservation Laws: Invariance principles and conservation laws are fundamental concepts in physics that play a pivotal role in understanding the behavior of the physical
  Introduction to Lepton and Quark Scattering and Conservation Laws: Lepton and quark scattering processes are fundamental phenomena in particle physics, allowing us to probe the structure and interactions of
  Introduction to Particle Physics and Cosmology: Particle physics and cosmology are two closely intertwined fields of scientific inquiry that seek to unravel the mysteries of the universe at both

Collider Phenomenology


Introduction to Collider Phenomenology:

Collider phenomenology is a field of theoretical physics that bridges the gap between theoretical predictions and experimental observations in the realm of high-energy particle physics. It involves the development of theoretical models and calculations to predict the outcomes of particle collisions in high-energy accelerators, such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Collider phenomenologists play a crucial role in interpreting experimental data, searching for new particles, and testing the predictions of fundamental theories.

Standard Model Phenomenology:

Explore the application of collider phenomenology to the Standard Model of particle physics, including the precise prediction of particle collision processes and the study of electroweak and quantum chromodynamics (QCD) phenomena.

Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) Searches:

Investigate collider phenomenology's role in searching for physics beyond the Standard Model, including the identification of new particles, forces, and symmetries that extend our understanding of the universe.

Precision Measurements and Higgs Physics:

Delve into collider experiments aimed at making precision measurements of known particles, including the Higgs boson, to test the Standard Model and uncover potential deviations from its predictions.

Dark Matter and Exotic Particle Searches:

Focus on the use of colliders in the search for dark matter candidates and exotic particles, including discussions on missing energy signatures, supersymmetry, and extra dimensions.

Collider Physics for Cosmology:

Examine the connection between collider phenomenology and cosmology, where high-energy particle collisions offer insights into the early universe, such as the production of primordial particles and their role in cosmic evolution.



  Introduction of Chiral spinors and helicity amplitudes Chiral spinors and helicity amplitudes are fundamental concepts in the realm of quantum field theory and particle physics    They play a
  Introduction to Chiral Symmetry Breaking: Chiral symmetry breaking is a pivotal phenomenon in the realm of theoretical physics, particularly within the framework of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) and the study
  Introduction to Effective Field Theory and Renormalization: Effective field theory (EFT) and renormalization are foundational concepts in theoretical physics, particularly in the realm of quantum field theory. They provide
  Introduction to Experimental Methods: Experimental methods are the backbone of scientific investigation, enabling researchers to empirically explore and validate hypotheses, theories, and concepts. These techniques encompass a wide array
  Introduction to Free Particle Wave Equations: Free particle wave equations are fundamental concepts in quantum mechanics, describing the behavior of particles that are not subject to external forces. These
  Introduction to High Energy Physics: High-energy physics, also known as particle physics, is a branch of science dedicated to the study of the most fundamental building blocks of the
  Introduction to Interactions and Fields: Interactions and fields form the foundation of modern physics, providing the framework for understanding how particles and objects interact with one another and the
  Introduction to Invariance Principles and Conservation Laws: Invariance principles and conservation laws are fundamental concepts in physics that play a pivotal role in understanding the behavior of the physical
  Introduction to Lepton and Quark Scattering and Conservation Laws: Lepton and quark scattering processes are fundamental phenomena in particle physics, allowing us to probe the structure and interactions of
  Introduction to Particle Physics and Cosmology: Particle physics and cosmology are two closely intertwined fields of scientific inquiry that seek to unravel the mysteries of the universe at both

Particle Experiments


Introduction to Particle Experiments:

Particle experiments are at the forefront of scientific discovery, offering unique insights into the fundamental properties of matter, the universe's structure, and the behavior of subatomic particles. These experiments use advanced detectors, accelerators, and observation techniques to probe the fundamental forces and particles that make up the cosmos. Particle physicists and researchers conduct these experiments to unlock the mysteries of the universe and test the predictions of theoretical models.

Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Experiments:

Explore the experiments conducted at the LHC, one of the world's most powerful particle accelerators, including ATLAS and CMS, which have played a crucial role in the discovery of the Higgs boson and other high-energy phenomena.

Neutrino Experiments:

Investigate experiments designed to study neutrinos, elusive particles with extremely weak interactions, such as the Super-Kamiokande and IceCube experiments, which have contributed to our understanding of neutrino oscillations and astrophysical neutrinos.

Dark Matter Detection:

Delve into experiments aimed at detecting and characterizing dark matter, a mysterious substance that makes up a significant portion of the universe's mass, including experiments like DAMA/LIBRA and XENON.

Cosmic Ray Observations:

Focus on cosmic ray experiments that observe high-energy particles from space, like the Pierre Auger Observatory, which provides insights into the origin and nature of cosmic rays.

Precision Electroweak Measurements:

Examine experiments dedicated to making precise measurements of fundamental parameters in the electroweak sector, such as the LEP experiments and atomic parity violation studies.




  Introduction of Chiral spinors and helicity amplitudes Chiral spinors and helicity amplitudes are fundamental concepts in the realm of quantum field theory and particle physics    They play a
  Introduction to Chiral Symmetry Breaking: Chiral symmetry breaking is a pivotal phenomenon in the realm of theoretical physics, particularly within the framework of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) and the study
  Introduction to Effective Field Theory and Renormalization: Effective field theory (EFT) and renormalization are foundational concepts in theoretical physics, particularly in the realm of quantum field theory. They provide
  Introduction to Experimental Methods: Experimental methods are the backbone of scientific investigation, enabling researchers to empirically explore and validate hypotheses, theories, and concepts. These techniques encompass a wide array
  Introduction to Free Particle Wave Equations: Free particle wave equations are fundamental concepts in quantum mechanics, describing the behavior of particles that are not subject to external forces. These
  Introduction to High Energy Physics: High-energy physics, also known as particle physics, is a branch of science dedicated to the study of the most fundamental building blocks of the
  Introduction to Interactions and Fields: Interactions and fields form the foundation of modern physics, providing the framework for understanding how particles and objects interact with one another and the
  Introduction to Invariance Principles and Conservation Laws: Invariance principles and conservation laws are fundamental concepts in physics that play a pivotal role in understanding the behavior of the physical
  Introduction to Lepton and Quark Scattering and Conservation Laws: Lepton and quark scattering processes are fundamental phenomena in particle physics, allowing us to probe the structure and interactions of
  Introduction to Particle Physics and Cosmology: Particle physics and cosmology are two closely intertwined fields of scientific inquiry that seek to unravel the mysteries of the universe at both

Weak interactions


Introduction to Weak Interactions:

Weak interactions, also known as the weak force or weak nuclear force, are one of the four fundamental forces of nature, alongside gravity, electromagnetism, and the strong nuclear force. Weak interactions are responsible for processes such as beta decay in atomic nuclei and the interactions of neutrinos. Despite their name, weak interactions are crucial in understanding the stability of matter and have profound implications for the behavior of subatomic particles.

Electroweak Theory:

Explore the electroweak theory, which unifies the weak force and electromagnetism, and its role in the Standard Model of particle physics, shedding light on the interactions of quarks, leptons, and force carriers.

Beta Decay and Neutrinos:

Investigate beta decay, a process governed by weak interactions, and the role of neutrinos as particles involved in weak interactions, with implications for astrophysics and cosmology.

Chiral Symmetry Breaking and Mass Generation:

Delve into how weak interactions, particularly through spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking, lead to the generation of masses for elementary particles, including quarks and leptons.

CP Violation and Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry:

Focus on CP violation, a phenomenon observed in weak interactions, which is fundamental to understanding the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe, one of the central puzzles of cosmology.

Neutrino Oscillations:

Examine neutrino oscillations, a consequence of weak interactions, and how they reveal that neutrinos exist in multiple flavor states, contributing to our understanding of neutrino properties and the nature of neutrino masses.




  Introduction of Chiral spinors and helicity amplitudes Chiral spinors and helicity amplitudes are fundamental concepts in the realm of quantum field theory and particle physics    They play a
  Introduction to Chiral Symmetry Breaking: Chiral symmetry breaking is a pivotal phenomenon in the realm of theoretical physics, particularly within the framework of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) and the study
  Introduction to Effective Field Theory and Renormalization: Effective field theory (EFT) and renormalization are foundational concepts in theoretical physics, particularly in the realm of quantum field theory. They provide
  Introduction to Experimental Methods: Experimental methods are the backbone of scientific investigation, enabling researchers to empirically explore and validate hypotheses, theories, and concepts. These techniques encompass a wide array
  Introduction to Free Particle Wave Equations: Free particle wave equations are fundamental concepts in quantum mechanics, describing the behavior of particles that are not subject to external forces. These
  Introduction to High Energy Physics: High-energy physics, also known as particle physics, is a branch of science dedicated to the study of the most fundamental building blocks of the
  Introduction to Interactions and Fields: Interactions and fields form the foundation of modern physics, providing the framework for understanding how particles and objects interact with one another and the
  Introduction to Invariance Principles and Conservation Laws: Invariance principles and conservation laws are fundamental concepts in physics that play a pivotal role in understanding the behavior of the physical
  Introduction to Lepton and Quark Scattering and Conservation Laws: Lepton and quark scattering processes are fundamental phenomena in particle physics, allowing us to probe the structure and interactions of
  Introduction to Particle Physics and Cosmology: Particle physics and cosmology are two closely intertwined fields of scientific inquiry that seek to unravel the mysteries of the universe at both

The matter particles


Introduction to The Matter Particles:

Matter particles are the fundamental building blocks of the material world as we know it. These particles form the basis of everything in the universe, from the smallest atoms to the largest galaxies. In the framework of the Standard Model of particle physics, matter particles are categorized into two main groups: fermions, which make up matter itself, and bosons, which mediate the fundamental forces that govern interactions among matter particles. Understanding the properties, behavior, and interactions of matter particles is crucial for unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos.

Fermions: Building Blocks of Matter:

Explore fermions, which include quarks and leptons, as the elementary constituents of matter, and delve into their properties, including mass, charge, and spin.

Quarks: Strong Force and Confinement:

Investigate quarks, which experience the strong nuclear force, leading to phenomena like confinement within hadrons and the generation of mass through spontaneous symmetry breaking.

Leptons: Charge and Neutrinos:

Delve into leptons, such as electrons and neutrinos, their electric charge properties, and their roles in fundamental processes, including electron scattering and neutrino oscillations.

Bosons: Force Carriers:

Examine bosons, which are responsible for mediating the fundamental forces, including the photon (electromagnetic force), gluon (strong force), W and Z bosons (weak force), and the Higgs boson (mass generation).

Dark Matter and Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry:

Focus on the mystery of dark matter, a form of matter not composed of known particles, and the matter-antimatter asymmetry problem, which relates to the scarcity of antimatter in the universe compared to matter.



  Introduction of Chiral spinors and helicity amplitudes Chiral spinors and helicity amplitudes are fundamental concepts in the realm of quantum field theory and particle physics    They play a
  Introduction to Chiral Symmetry Breaking: Chiral symmetry breaking is a pivotal phenomenon in the realm of theoretical physics, particularly within the framework of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) and the study
  Introduction to Effective Field Theory and Renormalization: Effective field theory (EFT) and renormalization are foundational concepts in theoretical physics, particularly in the realm of quantum field theory. They provide
  Introduction to Experimental Methods: Experimental methods are the backbone of scientific investigation, enabling researchers to empirically explore and validate hypotheses, theories, and concepts. These techniques encompass a wide array
  Introduction to Free Particle Wave Equations: Free particle wave equations are fundamental concepts in quantum mechanics, describing the behavior of particles that are not subject to external forces. These
  Introduction to High Energy Physics: High-energy physics, also known as particle physics, is a branch of science dedicated to the study of the most fundamental building blocks of the
  Introduction to Interactions and Fields: Interactions and fields form the foundation of modern physics, providing the framework for understanding how particles and objects interact with one another and the
  Introduction to Invariance Principles and Conservation Laws: Invariance principles and conservation laws are fundamental concepts in physics that play a pivotal role in understanding the behavior of the physical
  Introduction to Lepton and Quark Scattering and Conservation Laws: Lepton and quark scattering processes are fundamental phenomena in particle physics, allowing us to probe the structure and interactions of
  Introduction to Particle Physics and Cosmology: Particle physics and cosmology are two closely intertwined fields of scientific inquiry that seek to unravel the mysteries of the universe at both

Particles and antiparticles


Introduction to Particles and Antiparticles:

Particles and antiparticles are fundamental constituents of the subatomic world, representing the matter and antimatter counterparts that populate the universe. Particles, such as electrons, protons, and neutrinos, have corresponding antiparticles with opposite electric charges and other quantum properties. The study of particles and antiparticles is essential in understanding the building blocks of matter, their interactions, and the symmetries that govern the universe.

Antimatter and Particle Physics:

Explore the concept of antimatter and its relevance in particle physics, including the existence of antiparticles for each known particle and their annihilation processes.

CP Violation and Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry:

Investigate the phenomenon of CP violation, which plays a crucial role in explaining the observed matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe, a fundamental puzzle in cosmology.

Positron Emission Tomography (PET):

Delve into the practical applications of antimatter in medical imaging, such as PET scans, where positrons (antiparticles of electrons) are used to detect and visualize cancer and other diseases.

Baryogenesis and the Early Universe:

Focus on theories of baryogenesis, the process by which the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe may have arisen during the early moments of the cosmos, contributing to our understanding of cosmology.

Exotic Particles and Antiparticles:

Examine the existence and properties of exotic particles and antiparticles, including mesons, pions, and strange quarks, and their significance in high-energy physics and the study of strong interactions.



  Introduction of Chiral spinors and helicity amplitudes Chiral spinors and helicity amplitudes are fundamental concepts in the realm of quantum field theory and particle physics    They play a
  Introduction to Chiral Symmetry Breaking: Chiral symmetry breaking is a pivotal phenomenon in the realm of theoretical physics, particularly within the framework of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) and the study
  Introduction to Effective Field Theory and Renormalization: Effective field theory (EFT) and renormalization are foundational concepts in theoretical physics, particularly in the realm of quantum field theory. They provide
  Introduction to Experimental Methods: Experimental methods are the backbone of scientific investigation, enabling researchers to empirically explore and validate hypotheses, theories, and concepts. These techniques encompass a wide array
  Introduction to Free Particle Wave Equations: Free particle wave equations are fundamental concepts in quantum mechanics, describing the behavior of particles that are not subject to external forces. These
  Introduction to High Energy Physics: High-energy physics, also known as particle physics, is a branch of science dedicated to the study of the most fundamental building blocks of the
  Introduction to Interactions and Fields: Interactions and fields form the foundation of modern physics, providing the framework for understanding how particles and objects interact with one another and the
  Introduction to Invariance Principles and Conservation Laws: Invariance principles and conservation laws are fundamental concepts in physics that play a pivotal role in understanding the behavior of the physical
  Introduction to Lepton and Quark Scattering and Conservation Laws: Lepton and quark scattering processes are fundamental phenomena in particle physics, allowing us to probe the structure and interactions of
  Introduction to Particle Physics and Cosmology: Particle physics and cosmology are two closely intertwined fields of scientific inquiry that seek to unravel the mysteries of the universe at both

Lepton and quark scattering


Introduction to Lepton and Quark Scattering and Conservation Laws:

Lepton and quark scattering processes are fundamental phenomena in particle physics, allowing us to probe the structure and interactions of elementary particles. These interactions are governed by conservation laws that dictate the preservation of quantities like electric charge, momentum, and angular momentum. The study of lepton and quark scattering processes not only unveils the intricate behaviors of these particles but also showcases the applicability of conservation laws in understanding the fundamental forces of nature.

Electron-Proton Scattering:

Explore electron-proton scattering experiments as a means to investigate the internal structure of nucleons (protons and neutrons) and the application of conservation laws in understanding the outcomes.

Deep Inelastic Scattering:

Delve into deep inelastic scattering, a powerful tool for studying quark distributions inside protons and nuclei, and the role of conservation laws in these high-energy processes.

Parton Model and Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD):

Investigate the parton model, which describes quarks and gluons as constituents of hadrons, and the conservation laws that apply to quark and gluon interactions governed by QCD.

Neutrino-Nucleon Scattering:

Focus on neutrino-nucleon scattering experiments, crucial for understanding neutrino properties and their role in particle interactions, and the conservation laws that guide these processes.

Conservation Laws in Collider Experiments:

Examine the application of conservation laws, such as conservation of energy and momentum, in analyzing data from high-energy collider experiments, where lepton and quark interactions play a central role.





  Introduction of Chiral spinors and helicity amplitudes Chiral spinors and helicity amplitudes are fundamental concepts in the realm of quantum field theory and particle physics    They play a
  Introduction to Chiral Symmetry Breaking: Chiral symmetry breaking is a pivotal phenomenon in the realm of theoretical physics, particularly within the framework of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) and the study
  Introduction to Effective Field Theory and Renormalization: Effective field theory (EFT) and renormalization are foundational concepts in theoretical physics, particularly in the realm of quantum field theory. They provide
  Introduction to Experimental Methods: Experimental methods are the backbone of scientific investigation, enabling researchers to empirically explore and validate hypotheses, theories, and concepts. These techniques encompass a wide array
  Introduction to Free Particle Wave Equations: Free particle wave equations are fundamental concepts in quantum mechanics, describing the behavior of particles that are not subject to external forces. These
  Introduction to High Energy Physics: High-energy physics, also known as particle physics, is a branch of science dedicated to the study of the most fundamental building blocks of the
  Introduction to Interactions and Fields: Interactions and fields form the foundation of modern physics, providing the framework for understanding how particles and objects interact with one another and the
  Introduction to Invariance Principles and Conservation Laws: Invariance principles and conservation laws are fundamental concepts in physics that play a pivotal role in understanding the behavior of the physical
  Introduction to Lepton and Quark Scattering and Conservation Laws: Lepton and quark scattering processes are fundamental phenomena in particle physics, allowing us to probe the structure and interactions of
  Introduction to Particle Physics and Cosmology: Particle physics and cosmology are two closely intertwined fields of scientific inquiry that seek to unravel the mysteries of the universe at both