Dr. Hyunsang Yoo | Petroleum engineering | Best Researcher Award
PHD at Chonnam National University, South Korea
Professional Profiles
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Ph.D. in Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering: Chonnam National University, Mar. 2017 – Aug. 2020, GPA: 3.84/4.00 Dissertation: A Study on the Propagation Characteristics of Optimum Wormhole for Matrix Acidizing in Carbonate Reservoirs Advisor: Prof. Jeonghwan Lee Master’s Degree in Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering: Chonnam National University, Mar. 2015 – Feb. 2017, GPA: 3.75/4.00 Advisor: Prof. Jeonghwan Lee Bachelor of Engineering in Energy & Resources Engineering: Chonnam National University, Mar. 2007 – Feb. 2015, GPA: 3.62/4.00
Professional Experience
Postdoctoral Researcher: Chonnam National University, Jan. 2024 – present Technology to design and fabricate production pipe insulation structures CO2 geological storage in basaltic rock formation Postdoctoral Researcher: New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Sept. 2021 – Oct. 2023 Principal investigator of a project from the National Research Foundation of Korea Built experimental facility for ESP flow loop and conducted tests Developed environmental cement and abandonment technology Lecturer: Chonnam National University, Sept. 2020 – Aug. 2021 Taught Petroleum Engineering Laboratory, Reservoir Engineering, and Reservoir Simulation Postdoctoral Researcher: Chonnam National University, Sept. 2020 – Jul. 2021 Investigated nanotechnologies for EOR in carbonate reservoirs Conducted particle size analysis and wettability alteration tests using nanoparticles Research Assistant: Chonnam National University, Jun. 2015 – Aug. 2020 Performed coreflooding experiments for carbonate acidizing and EOR Set up laboratory systems and managed experimental schedules
Yoo, H. and Lee, J., 2021. Rotating apparatus and method for measuring acid-rock reaction characteristics in high temperature and pressure. US 10,983,105 filed 20.Apr.2021. Yoo, H. and Lee, J., 2017. Matrix acidizing system and method in high temperature and pressure. Korea Patent 10-1957106 filed 05.Mar.2019. Yoo, H. and Lee, J., 2017. Technical Screening Guides for Acidizing Fluids (TSG_ACIDIZING). Korea Patent C-2017-021616 filed 03.Aug.2017, and issued 22.Aug.2017.
Technical Skills
Reservoir Simulator Computer Modeling Group (CMG): IMEX, GEM, STARS, and CMOST Schlumberger: ECLIPSE 100, 300, Petrel, Pipesim, and OLGA Programming Languages MATLAB and PYTHON Lab Techniques RCA (routine core analysis) SCAL (special core analysis)
2019: Outstanding Research Award, Energy & Mineral Resources Development Association of Korea 2018: Outstanding Research Award, The Korean Institute of Gas 2017: Industry-Academic Cooperation Scholarship, SAMSUNG C&T Corporation 2016: Outstanding Research Award, Asia Pacific Gas Conference (APGC)
Research Focus
- A new method for the preparation of MgAl layered double hydroxide-copper metal–organic frameworks structures: application to electrocatalytic oxidation of formaldehyde, Publication date: 2024.