Robert White | particle physics | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Robert White | particle physics | Best Researcher Award

PHD at Charles University in Prague

Rob White is a Postdoctoral Researcher at INFN Sezione di Torino, specializing in the development and characterisation of LGAD sensors. He completed his Ph.D. in Particle Physics at the University of Bristol, focusing on Dark Matter and BSM Physics, and worked on statistical and ML techniques in DQM. Previously, he was a Postdoctoral Researcher at Bristol and earned his M.Phys. in Physics from the University of Manchester. His research includes characterizing FBK EXFLU1 sensors and addressing radiation effects. White has contributed to notable publications on dark matter and Higgs boson decays, reflecting his expertise in advanced particle physics.

Professional Profiles


Search for dark QCD with emerging jets in proton-proton collisions at \( \sqrt{s} \) = 13 TeV, Publication date:  2024.

Measurement of the production cross section of a Higgs boson with large transverse momentum in its decays to a pair of τ leptons in proton-proton collisions, Publication date:  2024.

Multiplicity and transverse momentum dependence of charge-balance functions in pPb and PbPb collisions at LHC energies, Publication date:  2024.

Constraints on anomalous Higgs boson couplings from its production and decay using the WW channel in proton–proton collisions at \sqrt{s} = 13~\text {TeV}, Publication date:  2024.

Search for long-lived particles decaying in the CMS muon detectors in proton-proton collisions at √𝑠=13  TeV, Publication date:  2024.


Rob White is a promising candidate for the Research for Best Researcher Award, especially given his early achievements in high-impact areas of particle physics. His work on LGAD sensors, involvement in cutting-edge dark matter research, and contributions to significant collaborations like CMS make him a strong contender. However, to further solidify his candidacy, he might focus on developing more independent research initiatives, broadening the impact of his work, and establishing a clear long-term research vision. Overall, White demonstrates great potential for continued excellence and leadership in the field of particle physics.

Shaban Reza Ghorbani | Condensed matter Physics | Excellence in Research

Prof. Shaban Reza Ghorbani | Condensed matter Physics | Excellence in Research

PHD at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm, Sweden

Shaban Reza Ghorbani was born in Qochan, Iran. He obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Physics in 1989 and his Master’s degree in Solid State Physics in 1992, both from Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran. He started his academic career in 1992 as a member of the Department of Physics at Hakim Sabzevari University, Iran. He later pursued his Ph.D. at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm, Sweden, completing it in 2002. Upon returning to Iran, Dr. Ghorbani resumed his role at Hakim Sabzevari University and later joined Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, where he currently serves as a professor. His research primarily focuses on advanced materials, including high-temperature superconductors and highly conductive carbon nanotube-graphene composites. He has made significant contributions to the study of superconductivity, energy storage materials, and the properties of MgB2 superconductors.

Professional Profiles


Removal of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from wastewater using the hydrodynamic cavitation on a chip concept, Publication date: 2024.

Decentralized Control Based on Fuzzy Anti-Windup for a Class of Uncertain Systems Subject to State and Control Constraints, Publication date: 2023.

Investigating the effect of different levels of drought stress and weeding management on some qualitative and quantitative indicates of KS260 corn and sorghum., Publication date: 2023.

Survey of smart grid concepts and technological demonstrations worldwide emphasizing on the Oman perspective, Publication date: 2020.

A real-time demand response market through a repeated incomplete-information game, Publication date: 2018.

Mauricio Bellini | Quantum Gravity | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Mauricio Bellini | Quantum Gravity | Best Researcher Award

PHD at UNCPBA, Argentina

Mauricio Bellini, born on November 12, 1963, in Balcarce, Buenos Aires, Argentina, is a prominent physicist specializing in cosmology and gravitation. He holds a Licentiate in Physics from UNCPBA (1992) and a Ph.D. in Physics from UNMdP (1997). Bellini is a Full Professor at the Department of Physics, UNMdP, and a Principal Investigator at IFIMAR (CONICET & UNMdP). He leads the Gravitación y Cosmología research group and has held significant academic positions, including membership on IFIMAR’s Board of Directors. His work includes extensive postdoctoral research in Mexico and short academic visits to various international institutions.

Professional Profiles


Evaluation for the Research for Best Researcher Award

Strengths for the Award

Extensive Academic Experience: Mauricio Bellini has a significant academic background with a Licenciado in Ciencias Físicas and a Doctorate in Ciencias Físicas, both obtained with the highest distinction. His long-term commitment as a Professor Titular at UNMdP, along with his role as a Principal Investigator at IFIMAR, highlights his dedication to academic and research excellence.

Research Leadership: Bellini leads the Gravitación y Cosmología research group, showcasing his ability to direct and manage research teams effectively. His involvement in high-level research initiatives, such as serving on the Consejo Directivo of IFIMAR, further emphasizes his leadership in the scientific community.

Postdoctoral and International Experience: His postdoctoral stays in Mexico, coupled with multiple short-term research visits to international institutions, demonstrate a strong international presence and collaboration network. These experiences have likely contributed to his growth as a researcher and his exposure to diverse research environments.

Teaching and Mentorship: Bellini has taught at various levels, including postgraduate courses, during his postdoctoral stays. This shows his commitment to education and the development of future researchers, an essential quality for a distinguished researcher.

Recognition and Impact: Holding the position of an Investigador Principal and being categorized as level I in the national incentives system underlines his recognition within the Argentine scientific community. His research in quantum systems, stochastic inflation, and cosmology reflects a high level of expertise and impact in these fields.

Areas for Improvement

Publication and Citation Record: Although not detailed in the provided CV, an explicit mention of his publication count, H-index, and citation metrics would strengthen his candidacy. These metrics are often crucial in evaluating the impact and reach of a researcher’s work.

Broader Impact and Interdisciplinary Work: Expanding his research scope to include more interdisciplinary work or applied research could increase the practical relevance and societal impact of his research. This might also involve collaborations with industry or other fields, which could enhance his profile for awards that value innovation and applicability.

Outreach and Public Engagement: Engaging in science communication, outreach activities, or public lectures can enhance his visibility and demonstrate a commitment to making science accessible to a broader audience. This is often a valued aspect for awards that recognize contributions beyond academia.


Profesor Titular con dedicación exclusiva (cargo ordinario): Departamento de Física – Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales – UNMdP. Desde 1/3/2024. Investigador Principal: Instituto de Investigaciones Físicas de Mar del Plata (IFIMAR – CONICET & UNMdP). Categoría en incentivos (docente investigador): I (Categorización 2009). Director del Grupo de Investigación: Gravitación y Cosmología (OCA 040/18). Miembro del Consejo Directivo del IFIMAR – CONICET & UNMdP: Desde el 01/11/2011 hasta el 31/10/2017, y desde 01/11/2021 hasta el 31/10/2025.


Seminal Electromagnetic fields from preinflation, Publication date: 2024.

Geometric Hawking radiation of Schwarzschild Black Hole with novel quantum algebra, Publication date: 2024.

Early universe: Gravitational waves and tensor metric fluctuations, Publication date: 2023.

On the interaction of Schwarzschild black-holes with gravitational waves, Publication date: 2023.

Euclidean quantum gravity in a Kerr black hole ergosphere, Publication date: 2022.

Early universe: Gravitational waves and tensor metric fluctuations, Publication date: 2023.

Preinflation without matter from f (R)-Extended General Relativity, Publication date: 2022.

Spatiotemporal jumps as particular solutions in geodesic trajectories with the Gödel metric on an extended manifold, Publication date: 2022.

Inflación del Universo:(una aproximación estocástica), Publication date: 2020.

Waves of space–time from a collapsing compact object, Publication date: 2020.



Mauricio Bellini possesses a robust academic and research background, with significant contributions to the fields of cosmology and quantum physics. His leadership roles, both in research groups and academic councils, highlight his influence and standing in the scientific community. However, to strengthen his candidacy for the Research for Best Researcher Award, a focus on enhancing his publication metrics, engaging in interdisciplinary research, and increasing public outreach would be beneficial. Overall, he is a strong contender for the award, with areas for further growth that could elevate his profile even further.

Michael Ushcats | Theoretical Physics | Best Researcher Award

Prof. Michael Ushcats | Theoretical Physics | Best Researcher Award

PHD at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine

Mykhailo Ushkats, born on July 10, 1971, is a distinguished Ukrainian physicist specializing in theoretical and molecular physics. He earned his Doctor of Science in Physics and Mathematics from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv in 2018, with a focus on statistical mechanics and phase transitions. Ushkats holds a PhD in Technical Sciences from the Institute of Technical Thermophysics (2000) and an M.Sc. in Physics and Astronomy from Mykolaiv State Pedagogical Institute (1993). Currently, he heads the Physics and Mathematics Department at Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Mykolaiv. His research includes phase-transition phenomena and heat transfer modeling.

Professional Profiles

Academic Degrees and Education

Doctor of Science (Habilitation) in Physics and Mathematics Specialties: Theoretical Physics, Thermophysics and Molecular Physics Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2018 Thesis Title: “Description of the condensation phenomenon for one-component fluids on the basis of the statistical Gibbs approach” PhD in Technical Sciences Specialty: Technical Thermophysics and Industrial Thermoenergetics Institute of Technical Thermophysics, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2000 Thesis Title: “Mathematical modeling of work of the continuous casting plants with moving crystallizers” M.Sc. in Physics and Astronomy (Diploma with Honors) Mykolaiv State Pedagogical Institute, Mykolaiv, Ukraine, 1993

Employment History

Postgraduate, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Mykolaiv, Ukraine November 1993 – November 1996 Assistant Professor of Physics Department, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Mykolaiv, Ukraine January 1997 – May 2001 Associate Professor of Physics Department, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Mykolaiv, Ukraine May 2001 – October 2016 Postdoctoral, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine October 2016 – October 2018 Professor of Physics Department, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Mykolaiv, Ukraine November 2018 – October 2021 Head of Mathematics Department, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Mykolaiv, Ukraine November 2021 – September 2022 Head of Physics and Mathematics Department, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Mykolaiv, Ukraine October 2022 – Present

Teaching Experience

Physics” Courses, Physics Department, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding January 1997 – Present Special Courses in Functional Analysis, Modern Techniques of Computer Simulations, Applied Statistics, and Equations of Mathematical Physics Department of Information Control Systems and Technologies, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding September 2018 – Present

Areas of Activity and Expertise

Molecular and Chemical Physics Statistical Mechanics Theoretical Studies of Phase-Transition Phenomena Based on Statistical Mechanics Mathematical Modeling of Heat and Mass Transfer Processes Numerical Integration Techniques Education in Physics and Astronomy

Recognitions and Honors

“Excellence in Education” of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 2019 “For Scientific and Educational Achievements” of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 2020 Certificate of “Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing” for contributions to the journal Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2017


  1. Approximation of Cluster Integrals for Various Lattice-Gas Models, Publication date: 2018.
  2. Construction of subcritical isotherms for model and real gases on the basis of Mayer’s cluster expansion, Publication date: 2020.
  3. Some universality in subcritical behavior of real substances and model fluidsPublication date: 2020.
  4. Topological solitons in chain molecular crystals with stoichiometric obstacles and hydrogen bonds, Publication date: 2020.
  5. Electric and Spectral Properties of Solid Water-Nanocellulose Systems in a Wide Range of Temperatures, Publication date: 2021.
  6. Application of Mayer’s activity expansions to the Ising problem, Publication date: 2022.
  7. Melting of crystallites in a solid porous matrix and the application limits of the Gibbs–Thomson equation, Publication date: 2022.
  8. Features of nanocrystal melting, Publication date: 2022.