Khald Essa | Geophysics | Best Researcher Award

Prof. Khald Essa | Geophysics | Best Researcher Award

PHD at Cairo University, Egypt

Dr. Khalid S. Essa is a distinguished Geophysicist who earned his B.Sc. (1997), M.Sc. (2001), and Ph.D. (2004) from Cairo University. A Research Professor in the Department of Geophysics since 2014, he has authored over 100 technical papers. Dr. Essa has held post-doctoral positions at leading institutions, including the University of Lorraine and Strasbourg University in France. He is an active member of various professional societies and has received notable awards, including the Prof. Nasry Matari Shokry Award in Applied Geology. His research is highly cited, reflecting his significant contributions to the field.

Professional Profiles

Strengths for the Award

Extensive Academic Background: Dr. Essa has a strong academic foundation in Geophysics, holding a B.Sc. with honors, an M.Sc., and a Ph.D. from Cairo University. His long-term association with the university, culminating in his appointment as a research Professor in 2014, highlights his dedication and expertise in potential field methods.

Prolific Research Output: With over 100 technical papers published, Dr. Essa demonstrates a significant contribution to the field. His work is widely recognized, as indicated by his impressive citation metrics: 1733 citations on Scopus and 2291 on Google Scholar, with h-indexes of 28 and 32, respectively.

International Collaborations and Recognition: Dr. Essa has engaged in post-doctoral research at prestigious institutions in France, the Czech Republic, and the USA. This international exposure not only reflects his expertise but also his ability to collaborate on a global scale.

Leadership and Service in Professional Organizations: Dr. Essa is actively involved in several prominent geophysical societies, such as SEG, AGU, AAPG, EAGE, and EGS. His role as a member of the National Committee for Geodesy and Geophysics and the Petroleum and Mineral Resources Research Council in Egypt underscores his leadership and influence in the field.

Editorial and Review Experience: Serving as an editor and external reviewer for top journals further establishes Dr. Essa as a thought leader in geophysics, capable of shaping the direction of research in his field.

Awards and Honors: Dr. Essa has received prestigious awards, such as the Prof. Nasry Matari Shokry Award in Applied Geology and the Cairo University Award for Scientific Excellence in Interdisciplinary, Multidisciplinary, and Future Sciences. These accolades recognize his innovative contributions and excellence in research.

Areas for Improvement

Broader Impact Beyond Academia: While Dr. Essa’s academic and research credentials are outstanding, expanding his impact beyond academia could further strengthen his candidacy. This could include more active engagement in industry-related projects or public science communication to make his research more accessible to a wider audience.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Although Dr. Essa has made significant contributions in geophysics, increasing his involvement in interdisciplinary research could further enhance his profile. Collaborating with experts from related fields such as environmental science, engineering, or data science could lead to innovative applications of his work.

Public Engagement and Outreach: Increasing visibility through public lectures, workshops, or media appearances could help disseminate his research more broadly. Engaging with non-specialist audiences and policymakers could amplify the societal impact of his work.

Educational Background


Introductory Chapter: The Electrospinning, Publication date: 2024.

Electrospinning: Theory, Applications, and Update Challenges, Publication date: 2024.

Hunger Games Search optimization for the inversion of gravity anomalies of active mud diapir from SW Taiwan using inclined anticlinal source approximation, Publication date: 2024.

A Well-Structured Metaheuristic Optimization Technique for Magnetic Data Inversion of 2D Dipping Dyke-like Geological Structures Using the Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm, Publication date: 2024.

Gravity profiles interpretation applying a metaheuristic particle optimization algorithm of mineralized bodies resembled by finite elements, Publication date: 2024.

Jing Li | Geophysics | Best Researcher Award

Prof. Jing Li | Geophysics | Best Researcher Award

PHD at Jilin University, China

Jing Li, born on April 1, 1988, in Chongqing, China, is a Professor of Applied Geophysics at Jilin University. He earned his Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD degrees in Geophysics from Jilin University and conducted research as a visiting student at Delaware State University. His research focuses on near-surface seismic surface waves and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), developing innovative methods for hydrological parameter estimation. Jing has held postdoctoral and professorial positions at KAUST and Jilin University, respectively, and is an active member of SEG, SPIE, AGU, and IEEE. He has received prestigious awards, including the Fu Chengyi Youth Science and Technology Award.

Professional Profiles


09/2005–07/2009: Bachelor in Geophysics, Department of Applied Geophysics, College of Geo-exploration Science and Technology, Jilin University, China 09/2009–07/2011: Master in Geophysics, Department of Applied Geophysics, College of Geo-exploration Science and Technology, Jilin University, China 09/2011–06/2014: PhD in Geophysics, Department of Applied Geophysics, College of Geo-exploration Science and Technology, Jilin University, China 09/2012–01/2014: Visiting Student for Research Work, Applied Mathematics Research Center, Delaware State University

Professional Experience

09/2019–Present: Professor, Department of Applied Geophysics, Jilin University, China 03/2015–07/2018: Postdoctoral Fellow, Earth Science and Engineering Program, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) 09/2016–09/2019: Associate Professor, Department of Applied Geophysics, Jilin University, China 09/2014–09/2016: Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Geophysics, Jilin University, China

Awards & Grants

2021: Fu Chengyi Youth Science and Technology Award, China Geophysical Society (CGS). 2020: Youth Promotion Talent Project, China Association for Science and Technology

Research Focus

Jing Li specializes in applied geophysics, focusing on: Near-surface seismic surface waves: waveform inversion, ambient noise seismic interferometry tomography, H/V method in seismology. Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR): proposed stochastic modeling and inversion strategy to estimate water content, porosity, and other hydrological parameters, providing reliable applications of GPR data in soil hydrology, groundwater, and other critical zones.


  1. Multiparameter shallow-seismic waveform inversion based on the Jensen–Shannon divergence, Publication date: 2024.
  2. Joint wave-equation inversion of Rayleigh and Love dispersion curves, Publication date: 2024.
  3. Three-Dimensional Urban Subsurface Space Tomography with Dense Ambient Noise Seismic Array, Publication date: 2024.
  4. GPRlab: A ground penetrating radar data processing and analysis software based on MATLAB, Publication date: 2024.
  5. Image-guided structure-constrained inversion of electrical resistivity data for improving contaminations characterization, Publication date: 2024.
  6. Inversion of multimodal dispersion curves from distributed acoustic sensing measurements for subsurface imaging: A field case of Garner Valley, CaliforniaPublication date: 2023.
  7. Advanced Time-lapse Ground Penetrating Radar Data Processing for Quantitatively Monitoring of Small-scale Fluid Infiltration, Publication date: 2023.
  8. Preface to the special issue on” Recent advances in engineering and environmental geophysics”, Publication date: 2023.
  9. Prediction of terrestrial heat flow in Songliao Basin based on deep neural network, Publication date: 2023.
  10. Envelope-waveform Inversion Based on Multi-offset Ground Penetrating Radar Data, Publication date: 2022.