Jing Li | Geophysics | Best Researcher Award

Prof. Jing Li | Geophysics | Best Researcher Award

PHD at Jilin University, China

Jing Li, born on April 1, 1988, in Chongqing, China, is a Professor of Applied Geophysics at Jilin University. He earned his Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD degrees in Geophysics from Jilin University and conducted research as a visiting student at Delaware State University. His research focuses on near-surface seismic surface waves and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), developing innovative methods for hydrological parameter estimation. Jing has held postdoctoral and professorial positions at KAUST and Jilin University, respectively, and is an active member of SEG, SPIE, AGU, and IEEE. He has received prestigious awards, including the Fu Chengyi Youth Science and Technology Award.

Professional Profiles


09/2005–07/2009: Bachelor in Geophysics, Department of Applied Geophysics, College of Geo-exploration Science and Technology, Jilin University, China 09/2009–07/2011: Master in Geophysics, Department of Applied Geophysics, College of Geo-exploration Science and Technology, Jilin University, China 09/2011–06/2014: PhD in Geophysics, Department of Applied Geophysics, College of Geo-exploration Science and Technology, Jilin University, China 09/2012–01/2014: Visiting Student for Research Work, Applied Mathematics Research Center, Delaware State University

Professional Experience

09/2019–Present: Professor, Department of Applied Geophysics, Jilin University, China 03/2015–07/2018: Postdoctoral Fellow, Earth Science and Engineering Program, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) 09/2016–09/2019: Associate Professor, Department of Applied Geophysics, Jilin University, China 09/2014–09/2016: Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Geophysics, Jilin University, China

Awards & Grants

2021: Fu Chengyi Youth Science and Technology Award, China Geophysical Society (CGS). 2020: Youth Promotion Talent Project, China Association for Science and Technology

Research Focus

Jing Li specializes in applied geophysics, focusing on: Near-surface seismic surface waves: waveform inversion, ambient noise seismic interferometry tomography, H/V method in seismology. Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR): proposed stochastic modeling and inversion strategy to estimate water content, porosity, and other hydrological parameters, providing reliable applications of GPR data in soil hydrology, groundwater, and other critical zones.


  1. Multiparameter shallow-seismic waveform inversion based on the Jensen–Shannon divergence, Publication date: 2024.
  2. Joint wave-equation inversion of Rayleigh and Love dispersion curves, Publication date: 2024.
  3. Three-Dimensional Urban Subsurface Space Tomography with Dense Ambient Noise Seismic Array, Publication date: 2024.
  4. GPRlab: A ground penetrating radar data processing and analysis software based on MATLAB, Publication date: 2024.
  5. Image-guided structure-constrained inversion of electrical resistivity data for improving contaminations characterization, Publication date: 2024.
  6. Inversion of multimodal dispersion curves from distributed acoustic sensing measurements for subsurface imaging: A field case of Garner Valley, CaliforniaPublication date: 2023.
  7. Advanced Time-lapse Ground Penetrating Radar Data Processing for Quantitatively Monitoring of Small-scale Fluid Infiltration, Publication date: 2023.
  8. Preface to the special issue on” Recent advances in engineering and environmental geophysics”, Publication date: 2023.
  9. Prediction of terrestrial heat flow in Songliao Basin based on deep neural network, Publication date: 2023.
  10. Envelope-waveform Inversion Based on Multi-offset Ground Penetrating Radar Data, Publication date: 2022.