Award Winners

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
DrA. J. SalehAhammadJagannath UniversityBangladeshHigh energy physicsEnergy storage, water splitting and electrochemical sensorsBest Researcher Award
Prof DrToufikTAHRIChlef University, AlgeriaAlgeriaHigh energy physicselectrical hybrid systemBest Researcher Award
ProfSaadOuichaouiUniversity of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene of AlgiersAlgeriaExperimental methodsNuclear physics and Nuclear astrophysicsBest Researcher Award
DrBadisKahouadjiUniversity of BejaiaAlgeriaExperimental methodsSynthesis of nanomaterialsBest Researcher Award
DrFouazLekouiCentre de développement des technologies avancéesAlgeriaExperimental methodsThin filmsExcellence in Research
MsSarahChaba MounaDr Yahia Fares University of Medea Faculty of Science and TechnologyAlgeriaComputational Methodsstudy the phycical properties of perosvkites materials /DFT/Utilize CASTEP codeBest Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrDjalilaBoudemaghFerhat Abbas University Setif 1AlgeriaExperimental methodsMAterials ; Nanomaterislas , Isolation of bioactivemoleculesExcellence in Innovation
MrAdilsonMatiasSomiluana-Mining, S.AAngolaInteractions and fieldsEnergy EngineeringBest Researcher Award
Prof DrMarceloMariscalCONICET, Universidad Nacional de CordobaArgentinaComputational MethodsCell Fuels- Hydrogen energyBest Researcher Award
DrMauricioBelliniConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (AR)ArgentinaTheoretical AdvancesQuantum GravityBest Researcher Award
ProfGevorgGrigorianInstitute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sience of the Rwepublic of ArmeniaArmeniaParticle Experimentsordinary differential EquationsBest Researcher Award
DrYuriBleyanInstitute of Chemical Physics after A.B. NalbandyanArmeniaComputational Particle PhysicsOptical and Magnetic Properties of many-body particles in quantum dotsBest Researcher Award
DrRozaAvetisyanA.I. Alikhanyan National Science LaboratoryArmeniaNuclear PhysicsLow energy Nuclear physicsWomen Researcher Award
MsPriyankaAroraQueensland University of technology, Brisbane, AustraliaAustraliaParticle ExperimentsSoot particles (black carbon)Best Researcher Award
MrZEKAIZHANGUniversity of Western AustraliaAustraliaExperimental methodsInvestigation on the physical properties of semiconducting materialBest Researcher Award
MsDinojaFernandoSwinburne University of TechnologyAustraliaHigh energy physicsComputational ScienceBest Researcher Award
MsJanice Xin YeeNgCurtin UniversityAustraliaExperimental methodsMaterials Science and EngineeringBest Researcher Award
DrShankarDuttAustralian National UniversityAustraliaHigh energy physicsSwift heavy ion - Material ModificationResearch Innovation Award in Physics
DrClaudioArancibia-IbarraSafe Food Production QueenslandAustraliaAdvanced ComputingMatematical and Statistical ModellingBest Researcher Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
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