Award Winners

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
DrRashmiRani3D-OxidesFranceHigh energy physicsMIM capacitorBest Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrTaoLi6/5000 Qingdao University of Science and TechnologyChinaElectroweak PhysicsSeparation of water-in-oil emulsions under electric fieldBest Researcher Award
DrSvetlanaKrasheninnikovaA. O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of RASRussiaHigh energy physicsOceanology and hydrobiologyBest Researcher Award
DrRozaAvetisyanA.I. Alikhanyan National Science LaboratoryArmeniaNuclear PhysicsLow energy Nuclear physicsWomen Researcher Award
MrJamil AbbasHaiderAbdus Salam School of Mathematical Sciences, Government College University, LahorePakistanComputational MethodsComputational Fluid DynamicsBest Researcher Award
Prof DrCONSTANTINFETECAUAcademy of Romanian Scientists, 3 Ilfov, 050044, Bucharest, RomaniaRomaniaTheoretical AdvancesFluid MechanicsBest Researcher Award
ProfMalgorzataSliwinska-BartkowiakAdam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of PhysicsPolandExperimental methodsCurrently her interest is focused on nano-porous materials (solid materials having pores of nanometer dimension), such as templated mesoporous materials (MCM-41, SBA, etc), activated carbons, carbon nanotubes, silicas, etc. Nano-porous materials play a prominent role in chemical processing, particularly in separation and as catalysts and catalyst supports. They can also form the basis of future technologies, involving energy storage, as nano-reactors, as sensors, fabrication of small devices of molecular dimensions, etc. Using mainly dielectric, diffraction and scanning microscopy methods she is working on freezing and melting phenomena of host nano-phases in these materials , with particular emphasis on the effects of phase behavior, thermodynamics, surface properties and structure. An understanding of such phenomena is central to the fabrication of many new nano-structured materials. Since many years she collaborates with Prof. Gubbins theoretical group from North Carolina State University, Raleigh. Recently she is working with melting behavior of ionic liquids in nanocarbon pores, the problems important for double layer supercapacitors working in low-temperature regimeporesExcellence in Research
Assist Prof DrDinkuZelekeAddis Ababa Science and Technology University.EthiopiaExperimental methodsEnergyBest Researcher Award
ProfMichaelUshcatsAdmiral Makarov National University of ShipbuildingUkraineTheoretical AdvancesPhase transitions/Lattice models/Material scienceBest Researcher Award
DrMarianaDutraAeronautics Institute of TechnologyBrazilHigh energy physicsNuclear PhysicsBest Researcher Award
DrShishir KumarPandeyAI for Science InstituteChinaInteractions and fieldsComputational material scienceYoung Scientist Award
Assist Prof DrBHUPINDERKAURAkal Degree College MastuanaIndiaExperimental methodsenergyWomen Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrAliHomidAl-Azhar UniversityEgyptQuantum Field TheoryQuantum computer and artificial quantum systemsBest Researcher Award
ProfKuantayBoshkayevAl-Farabi Kazakh National UniversityKazakhstanHigh-Energy Astrophysicsblack holes, accretion disksBest Researcher Award
MrIMRANISLAMAliah UniversityIndiaExperimental methodsLoad Identification using Fuzzy rule based methodBest Researcher Award
DrKesytonOzeginAmbrose Alli University, Ekpoma Edo StateNigeriaExperimental methodsExploration geophysicsBest Researcher Award
MsDalyaAklAmerican University of SharjahUnited Arab EmiratesHigh-Energy AstrophysicsKilonovae and Short Gamma-ray BurstsWomen Researcher Award
ProfSaeedSetayeshiAmirkabir UnivIranMachine Learning in PhysicsMedical Radiation PhysicsComputational Science Excellence Award
DrArtiGoelAmity University, NoidaIndiaParticles and antiparticlesNanobiotechnologyExcellence in Research
DrSaravana VeniSAmrita Vishwa VidyapeethamIndiaFree particle wave equationsNonlinear DynamicsWomen Researcher Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
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