Award Winners

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
Assoc Prof DrMueenUddinUniversity of Doha for Science and Technology QatarQatarAdvanced ComputingPost Quantum CryptographyBest Researcher Award
DrMuhammadKhanDepartment of Mathematics and Computer Science, Transilvania University of Brasov, 29 Eroilor Boulevard, 500036 Brasov, RomaniaRomaniaComputational MethodsFractional CalculusBest Researcher Award
Prof DrCristinaBusuiocNational University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA BucharestRomaniaExperimental methodsThin filmsBest Researcher Award
Prof DrCONSTANTINFETECAUAcademy of Romanian Scientists, 3 Ilfov, 050044, Bucharest, RomaniaRomaniaTheoretical AdvancesFluid MechanicsBest Researcher Award
DrPolosanSilviuNIMPRomaniaQuantum ComputingSemiconductor bandgapsBest Researcher Award
DrValeriuSavuINOE2000RomaniaHigh energy physicsPower SupplyBest Researcher Award
DrElenaSaratovskikhFederal Research Center of Problem of Chemical Physics and Medicinal Chemistry, Russian Academy of SciencesRussiaHigh energy physicsphysical chemistryBest Researcher Award
DrMostafaAbotalebSouth Ural State University (national research university)” FSAEIHE SUSU (NRU)RussiaHigh energy physicsMachine learningBest Paper Award
Prof DrSergey N.GrigorievMoscow State University of Technology "STANKIN"RussiaExperimental methodsWear resistance of the cutting tools, nano/multilayer coatingsBest Paper Award
MsAnnaMatveevaPetersburg Nuclear Physics Institute named by B.P.Konstantinov of NRC «Kurchatov Institute»RussiaChiral symmetry breakingExperimental studies of manganese multiferroics RMn2O5, RMnO3 by neutron diffraction, including polarized neutron scatteringBest Researcher Award
DrSvetlanaKrasheninnikovaA. O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of RASRussiaHigh energy physicsOceanology and hydrobiologyBest Researcher Award
ProfVitalyGolovkoMoscow Polytechnic UniversityRussiaParticle physics and cosmologyGeneral relativityBest Researcher Award
DrLarisaStepanovaSamara National Research UniversityRussiaComputational MethodsAtomistic simulationsBest Researcher Award
Prof DrSergeiRoshchupkinPeter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU)RussiaInteractions and fieldshigh energy physics and cosmologyBest Researcher Award
DrYuriKurilenkovP.N. Lebedev Physical Institute RASRussiaComputational Methodsfusion plasma physics, aneutronic proton- boron fusion, the full electromagnetic code KARATBest Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrSajjadHaiderKing Saud UniversitySaudi ArabiaExperimental methodsPolymer and material application in environment and biomedical FieldOutstanding Scientist Award
DrAhamed SaleelCCollege of Engineering/King Khalid UniversitySaudi ArabiaHigh energy physicsNumerical Methods in Fluid Flow and Heat TransferExcellence in Research
DrZuhalHamdPrincess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University , Saudi Arabia .RiyadhSaudi ArabiaHigh energy physicsthermoluminescence dosimetryExcellence in Research
DrGhaziAlsorujiKing Abdulaziz UniversitySaudi ArabiaHigh energy physicsMaterialBest Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrAbdelbassetBessadokKing Saud University - COE - CHEMEngSaudi ArabiaExperimental methodsMaterials / process engineering / electrotechnologiesBest Researcher Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
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