Dr. Badis Kahouadji: Leading Researcher in Synthesis of nanomaterials

Researcher-Teacher in the Department of Technology at A. Mira University of Bejaia, Algeria.

🎉👨‍🔬🏆 Congratulations, Dr. Badis Kahouadji, on winning the esteemed ”Best Researcher Award” from ScienceFather! 🏅 Your dedication, innovative research, and scholarly contributions have truly made a significant impact in your field. 🌐 Your commitment to advancing knowledge and pushing the boundaries of research is commendable. 🚀 Here’s to your continued success in shaping the future of academia and making invaluable contributions to your field. Well done! 🎊👏

👨‍🎓🔬 Dr. Badis Kahouadji, a distinguished academic and researcher in the field of Experimental Methods, holds the position of Researcher-Teacher in the Department of Technology at A. Mira University of Bejaia, Algeria. 🌍 His academic journey has been marked by a profound dedication to advancing the synthesis of nanomaterials, specifically in the synthesis by sol-gel method. His focus extends to the structural and optic properties study of ortho-phosphates scintillators LnPO4 (Ln = Y, Lu, La, and Gd) doped by trivalent rare earths ions. 🧪💡 Your contributions to the field are truly commendable! 🌟 Keep shining in your pursuit of knowledge and innovation! 👏🎓

Professional Profiles:

Academic studies and diplomas

  • Doctorate Diploma : A.Mira university of Bejaia –Algeria
  • Research Laboratory: Luminescence Laboratory- Laser Department (Nuclear Research Center of Algies -NRCA-)

Scientific Activities and Experience

  • Permanant Reasercher-Teacher at A.Mira university
  • Participation in the national course entitled ‘’ National Training course on the fight against the illicit traffic of the nuclear matters and other radioactive materials ‘’ from March 4th to 07th , 2012 in Algiers (COMMENA)

Peer Reviewer & Academic Engagements

  • Citations: 75 (All), 75 (Since 2018)
  • h-index: 5 (All), 5 (Since 2018)
  • i10-index: 2 (All), 2 (Since 2018)

Publications: 64 documents indexed in Scopus.

Selective Publications (JOURNALS)

  • International publication: www.waset.org/Publication/9997875 Structural and Optical Properties Of Ce3+doped YPO4 : Nanophosphors Synthesis by Sol Gel Method’’ , B. Kahouadji, L. Guerbous, L. Lamiri, A. Mendoud ,International Journal of mathematical, Computational, Physical and Quantum, Engineering, Vol 8,N° 4,2014.
  • International publication: www.jyotiacademicpress.org/jyotic/journalview/28/abstract/34/60/155 THERMAL ANNEALING AND SUBSTRATE NATURE EFFECTS ON STRUCTURAL PROPERTIES, MORPHOLOGICAL AND PHOTOLUMINESCENCE OF PLANAR THIN FILM PHOSPHORS DEPOSED BY SOL-GEL METHOD , Author(s) : L. Guerbous, A. Boukerika, M. Taibeche, A. Sari, Y. Larbah, M. Seraiche, M. S. E. Hamroun, S. Saadi, L. Lamiri and B. Kahouadji Pages : [149] – [182] Received : December 24, 2016; Revised January 13, 2017
  • International publication:
    Badis Kahouadji , Lamine Mebarki , Lyes Benharrat , Jai Prakash , Hendrik C. Swart ,
    Abdelhalim Zoukel , Salim Ouhenia , Lamiri Lyes , Lakhdar Guerbous , Dirk Poelman ,
    Flexible and luminescent polymer nanocomposite films (YPO4:Pr3+/ polystyrene):
    Investigation of structural, morphological and photoluminescence properties for solid-state
    lighting applications, Optical Materials 143 (2023) 114251,
  • International publication:
    Lyes Lamiri , Badis Kahouadji , Mourad Berd , Abdelmoumen Abdellatif, Lotfi Benchallal ,
    Lakhdar Guerbous , Salim Ouhenia , Abdelhafid Souici , Leila Amiour , Abdelhalim Zoukel ,
    Madani Samah , Structural, morphological and photoluminescence characterizations of
    Sm3þ doped Y2O3 nano-sized phosphors synthesized by ultrasound assisted sol-gel method,
    Journal of Rare Earths,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jre.2022.03.006.
  • International publication:
    Density Functional Theory Study of Gold Doped Armchair Graphene
    Nanoribbons with Vacancies.
    L. Benchallal , S. Haffad , F. Boubenider , L. Lamiri, H. Zitoune , B. Kahouadji ,
    M. Samah, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 15(5):1484-1489.
  • International publication:
    Effect of Vacancies on Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Hydrogen Passivated
    Graphene Nanoribbons.
    S. Haffad , L. Benchallal , F. Boubenider , L. Lamiri, H. Zitoune , B. Kahouadji , M. Samah,
  • International publication:
    Optical Materials Annealing effect on the photoluminescence properties of Ce 3+ doped
    YPO4 nanophosphors.
    B. Kahouadjia, L. Guerbousb, Dragana J. Jovanović, Miroslav D. Dramićanin, M. Samaha,L.
    Lamiria, L. Benchallala, Milena Marinović Cincović, Optical Materials 91 (2019) 35–41.
  • International publication:
    B. Kahouadjia, L. Guerbousb, Dragana J. Jovanović, Miroslav D. Dramićanin,A.H.Souici,
    Photoluminescence properties of nano-sized (Lu1-xYx)PO4:Pr3+ (x=10, 20, 30, 40, 50 at. %)
    phosphor powders, Optical Materials 109 (2020) 110252.
  • International publication:
    Mourad Berd, Kamal Moussi, Youcef Aouabdia, Lotfi Benchallal, Ghiles Chahi, Badis
    Kahouadji, From metallic to semiconductor conversion of single –walled carbon nanotubes
    by chlorination, Chemical Physics Letters, Volume 781, 16 October 2021, 138988
  • International publication:
    Badis Kahouadji, Lakhdar Guerbous, Dragana J. Jovanović, Miroslav D Dramicanin,
    Temperature dependence of red emission in YPO4:Pr3+ nanopowders, Journal of
    Luminescence, Volume 241, January 2022, 118499.



Badis Kahouadji | Synthesis of nanomaterials

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