Award Winners

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
ProfJinhaiLiEast China University of TechnologyChinaHigh energy physicsAcceleratorBest Researcher Award
Prof DrShixiangPengState Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Technology & Institute of Heavy Ion PhysicsChinaNuclear PhysicsAccelerator physicsBest Researcher Award
ProfFrancescoSorgeUniversity of PalermoItalyTheoretical AdvancesAcoustics, mechanical vibrationsBest Researcher Award
DrShakebDeaneCranfield UniversityUnited KingdomExperimental methodsActive ThermographyBest Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrTzu-ChiChanNational Formosa UniversityTaiwanComputational Methodsadditive manufacturingBest Researcher Award
DrLingQinUniversity Of WyomingUnited StatesExperimental methodsAdvanced ManufacturingBest Researcher Award
MrLakshyaKumarNational Aerospace Laboratories, BangaloreIndiaExperimental methodsAerodynamics and PropulsionBest Researcher Award
DrRahulKumarLovely Professional UniversityIndiaHigh energy physicsAerospace EngineeringExcellence in Research
DrMohammad ChhiddikurRahmanBangladesh Rice Research InstituteBangladeshData Analysis TechniquesAgricultural EconomicsBest Researcher Award
Assist Prof DrXuXuXi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool UniversityChinaTheoretical AdvancesAI for Energy ScienceBest Researcher Award
DrMoumitaIndraIIT BombayIndiaParticle physics and cosmologyAnisotropic starsYoung Scientist Award
DrMarkusKrƶllFraunhofer IPAGermanyQuantum ComputingApplication in the industrial environment of production technologyExcellence in Innovation
DrHafiz MuhammadNaveedShenzhen UniversityChinaComputational MethodsApplications of machine learning and deep learningExcellence in Research
Assist Prof DrHamdyNaguibEgyptian Petroleum Research Institute (EPRI)EgyptExperimental methodsApplied ChemistryExcellence in Innovation
DrAbdelhafeezElshekhipyMathematics Department - College of Science- Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal UniversitySaudi ArabiaComputational MethodsApplied computational statistics and mathematics - Applied stochastic analysis - physicals and engendering sciencesBest Researcher Award
Assist Prof DrDipeshLovely Professional UniversityIndiaComputational MethodsApplied MathematicsBest Researcher Award
Prof DrFranciscoSousaFederal Univrsity of ParaBrazilComputational MethodsApplied physicsBest Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrQingguoLĆ¼Chongqing UniversityChinaComputational MethodsArtificial IntelligenceBest Researcher Award
MsYuboWangInnovation Research Institute of CETC Taiji Computer Corp.ChinaInteractions and fieldsArtificial intelligence and Data scienceBest Researcher Award
DrBantalemWaleInjibara UniversityEthiopiaExperimental methodsArtificial intelligence in educationBest Researcher Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for

Gallery, Mr. Yang Fu, China | Best Researcher Award

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